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Sleep Lab.

Are you having trouble sleeping? It's important to know that a good night's sleep is essential in order to replenish your body of energy.


Without it, one can experience intense fatigue, depression, weight gain, memory problems, inability to concentrate, and daytime sleep attacks.


For years, Atlantic Lung Centers has been diagnosing and treating patients who suffer from sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.

According to the National Institutes of Health, sleep apnea affects more than 12 million people and is as common as adult diabetes but often goes undiagnosed, despite the potentially serious consequences of the disorder.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a treatable disorder in which a person stops breathing during sleep, maybe even hundreds of times during the night. Untreated, sleep apnea and other sleep disorders can cause high blood pressure and other cardiovascular disease, memory problems, weight gain, and leave you fatigued throughout the day.


Furthermore, many untreated sleep disorders have been linked to a number of diseases associated with significant morbidity and mortality with sudden death such as arterial hypertension, heart attacks, dementia, stroke and motor vehicle crashes.

We are the most comprehensive pulmonary diagnostic and treatment resource center in Middle Georgia with a state-of-the-art sleep lab onsite, offering the most effective and convenient care for our patients.


Through accurate diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, our patients ultimately benefit from having better sleep, more energy throughout the day, and a lowered risk of having a stroke, dementia, or a heart attack.


We take referrals from your primary physician or health care provider as well as walk-ins seeking second opinions.

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